Let Us Begin the Revolt

January 24, 2025

We’re sorry to interrupt our usual programming, but there’s something that needs to be said first:


After this last election, I too was mortified by the result yet not surprised. I have some thoughts as to why such a divisive human once again holds the world’s highest office. But first to warn you, this is not sugar coated. This diatribe is EXACTLY what the Trumpers and his minions act like. It is time we turned the tables and got angry. Mollycoddled extremists don’t listen when there’s no juice behind the threats. They’re like domestic batterers striking fear on the weak, but when pushed back, they cower like the cowards they are. So let us begin the revolt.

Attention Span

It’s no secret that the majority of Americans have the attention span of a flea. The MAGA blowhards have become adept at using this to their advantage. Over the last several years, they have purchased most of the local radio and TV stations. They have loaded local communities with puppets, and finally, absconded with the social media people used to watch cat videos and communicate with family members. Those social media and news cycles change rapidly, and with most all plugged in 24/7, stories come and go. But the real genius of MAGA is to replay the same lies and propaganda over and over and over again so their message doesn’t follow the cycles. Their message? Fear. And more fear. Real or not they could care less. As long as they have you suspicious of everyone who isn’t molded in their white, autocratic, religious, misogynist, racist selves their goal is achieved.

If the American public would hold steadfast with facts, REAL history, and knowing our Great Society works best when we all benefit, we’d be okay; however, that attention span thing creeps up. We’re not who we used to be. That’s on us. I’m sure my wonderful wife and family are tired of my relentless diatribes concerning my fears of our brains going to mush with our continual connectivity and blatant disregard for true research and education. Seems too many doomscroll to believe anything and everything if it’s on the world wide web. We sit on our fat asses in chairs and yell out to Siri or Alexa. We sit our fat asses in chairs and shop. We explore from our phone only to listen to what someone Yelped about. We don’t really do anything anymore. MAGA gets this and they use it to their advantage.

The greatest example of our short attention span is somehow forgetting what happened to our Capitol on January 6th, 2020. I had family, on both sides, who fought for the Union, including a Great-Great-Grandfather who was imprisoned at Andersonville. (Look it up!) When I saw the Confederate battle flag walk into the Capitol, I was in tears. The protest at Charlottesville was bad enough. January 6th was an attempt to overthrow the government. If you considered these two moments and shrugged your shoulders while voting for Trump, you’re an ass, and I want nothing to do with you as a human being.

Consumerism and Wealth

The economy was a big deal this past election. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE ECONOMY! Stop buying shit. Stop feeding into the notion that the President has something to do with the cost of your eggs. Supply and demand folks. COVID happened folks. Back to my rant about no one knowing history: What happened after WWI and the Spanish Flu? The USA spent, partied, and margined their way into the Great Depression. Hoover pulled a Trump and tried tariffs. Failed. Trickle-down economics didn’t work. Through watchful consideration of interest rates and passing the first major infrastructure program since FDR and Eisenhower, Biden and Powel brought our economy back. Yet, for some stupid reason, all the rural white folk living in hovels think they can get rich by electing rich people. Money and jobs will trickle down to the ghost towns and rural areas we’ve all forgotten about. NO IT WON’T! MAGA could give a shit about your living conditions. The oligarchs, including the Trumps, have conned, and swindled you into a fallacy. The party that wanted to offer you healthcare, a greater role in democracy, and a way to have the government, you pay for, return the favor and make sure there are safety nets was rejected. Why? That’s next.

Race, Religion, and Gender

Donald Trump is a racist piece of shit. His followers are racists. If you can’t see that, then you’re a racist piece of shit. The problem is Progressives are afraid to take their gloves off and say that to their friends. If the Supreme Court isn’t the proof of what religious, racist, whites are afraid of, then you are blind to everything that made America Great before Trump. We abolished slavery. We made a New Deal. We made a Great Society. (Yes, look ‘em up.) Now the highest court is undoing everything that made sense in the Declaration of Independence. After 9/11 everyone was afraid of Sharia Law. So what? Now we’re warping into White Christian National Law. What’s the fucking difference? The beheadings become much more subtle.

Last but not least, the misogyny. Obviously, America is not ready to elect a woman. Let’s be like the Catholic Church and keep them in place. Let’s be Calvinistic and make sure the women stay at home and pour soup when men are hungry. Let’s be Mormons and get back to polygamy. Why not? Men who are afraid of women are pussies. If your ego can’t accept equality, you need therapy.

Obviously, there is much more one could add to the historical facts regarding this diatribe, but since people don’t wish to read anything more than a couple pages, I’ll stop here. Anyone who wants to take me on, give me your best shot. Just don’t exude lies, conspiracy theories, and stupid shit that other MAGA people believe, because it won’t go over well. Your guy is a florid personality disorder that bankrupts or ruins everything he touches. All he had was a TV show and then sold his name. Hitler was a paperhanger. Trump isn’t even that. He’s a fucking moron and con artist. Ask yourself why everyone who carried his water is disbarred, jailed, imprisoned, or civilly sued? HE DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU!

Thank you for your patience. We now return to our usual programming…

stewert james

The Author

An author with a story. Living in a quiet Northern Michigan community, nestled into a serene Lake Michigan bay, James writes to the rhythms of current events mixed with romanticism and experience that can only be found by living the same adventures. Whether it’s a provocative story line or blog, this website will certainly take you beyond the keyboard.


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