
NEW RELEASE! Jesus Walked Down My Alley

If Jesus walked down your alley, what would you do?

How would you react if a messianic character entered your life?



Some may think a penny to be a worthless coin, discarded on a whim. To author Stewert James, a penny…The Penny is a priceless and magical token which brings together generations and weaves together a story unlike any other.

Based on real members of James’ family and actual events in history, The Penny centers around the lives of Elinor Louise “Penny” (McDonald), her husband, Frank McHenry, their friends and family, and their quests for love, purpose and legacy.


Writing with Hemingway at City Park Grill

Enjoy a stroll through time and space as Stewert James sits in Papa’s chair at City Park Grill to write or edit all of the stories in this wonderful collection. Walk with a Yeti; set a trap for The Raptor; listen to Ernest Hemingway discuss writing while gulping martinis; share history with Martin Luther King; have fun with a bungling noir detective; find out Jimmy Hoffa was alive and kicking in a senior apartment building. Whatever story becomes your favorite, the rich cover, and forward from The Hemingway Society will enrich any ones bookcase or coffee-table.



The Russians weren’t the first to alter America’s elections, and the first Super PAC wasn’t about the money, but what’s coming should scare you to death. Political machines outside the boundaries of the United States using our own money to buy influence? Politicians who have become rich from their elections or re-elections while not working on public policy for the American people? Our political environment is a secret, yet has become the biggest of businesses, but only a few select individuals are allowed inside the walls. Fall out of favor, and you might lose your life.



An author with a story. Living in a quiet Northern Michigan community, nestled into a serene Lake Michigan bay, James writes to the rhythms of current..



If you’ve watched “The Maltese Falcon” or if you appreciate classic American mystery, this book will be right up your alley! It’s a quick reading, page turning book that makes you say “just a few more pages” over and over again. Cannot recommend it enough!



Stewart James does a great job of setting the stage for his promised series of adventures in politics and corruption as experienced by Parker Moore, a contemporary Everyman wrestling with good and evil simultaneously. I look forward to the next installment.


From the blog



  In April of 2023, I wrote a piece entitled, “Disappearing.” We were well into long months of my mother’s mental and emotional decline, and in the following months, I would see a complete change in my life. I began retracting from most of my social world. I left...

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“Jesus Walked Down My Alley”

“Jesus Walked Down My Alley”

What would you do if Jesus walked down your alley? On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, you will have a chance to ponder that thought as you read my new book. Several years ago – an exact date escapes me – I began wondering what our lives, more specifically my town, would...

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Often, I tell people that I’m going to disappear into the woods. The look on their faces is often one of, “what does that mean?” The answer is along the continuum from simple to complex. I wake and meditate. Listening to R. Carlos Nakai and his Lakota music wraps me...

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